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Thursday, July 24, 2014

We can do it.

Hello  dear  friends, teachers,students and colleagues. I am happy to be here with you again with one new post I want to tell you about it. if this ant can carry this enormous leaf, we can make education better.

Keep teaching and make it fun not a burden for our dear students. Can you tell me your opinions, friends?

Do you agree with that or not. Waiting for you comments and replies on my blog under this post please not on Google plus or any social network. Please try to help me make this blog out inner and communicative community to share our impression, ideas and whatever you think it will have an unusual benefit for learning and teaching English. Try to develop your writing skill with me and all blog's members and don't forget to subscribe with your email to get my new book about speeding up your English. Bye bye and see you next time on a new post.


Hany Al Gamasy said...

Feel free to contact me anytime you want