

Hello everybody! Nowadays I tend to summarize some information about a new model of instruction which is "flipped learning model"

Memory Game Challenge

Today we have a game of the memory student between two student,

How to Teach English Online

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work from the comfort of your own home?

Differences in American and British English grammar

Speakers of American English generally use the present perfect tense far less than speakers of British English.

Tips for Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Have you ever wondered what it would take to start teaching English as a foreign language? For native English speakers, there are

The Exclusive Ways To Speed Up Your English Learning

My book that is written and prepared in English includes ten exclusive ways to increase your learning of English language to keep up with the changes and

The Flipped Class: Which Tech Tools Are Right For You?

In my opinion, Flipping your teaching represents a real fun and entertainment for both teacher and student.

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Showing posts with label اختبارات شخصية. Show all posts
Showing posts with label اختبارات شخصية. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2020

يمكننا ان نخمن اسمك بكل دقة ؟ مستعد للتحدى؟؟

احبائى رواد مدونتى الكرام اعرض لكم تجربة جديدة اليوم هل تريد ان تخوضها ولكن عليك ان تجيب  عن مجموعه من الاسئلة والتى يصل عددها الى 15 سؤال قصير والتى تحلل شخصيتك وما عليك الا الاجابة عن الاسئلة بحيادية تامة ولا تخترع او تتصنع  اجابات فقط كن صادقا مع نفسك.