

Hello everybody! Nowadays I tend to summarize some information about a new model of instruction which is "flipped learning model"

Memory Game Challenge

Today we have a game of the memory student between two student,

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Showing posts with label Educational Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Educational Games. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2020

5 Super Fun Indoor Activities That Kids Will Love

Instead of just letting your kids watch TV or play their games all day, 
why not introduce some fun new games and activities that will keep 
them on their toes? Kids will especially love playing with you!
Here are 5 exciting indoor activities you can try with your children:
Indoor Bowling
Young children love to stack things and knock them over, that's why 
bowling is an ideal game to play! You can easily find a toy bowling set 
at a store, but you can opt to make your own as well.
Here's what you need:
  • Space to play
  • 10 empty soda cans
  • Tennis ball (or any toy ball bigger than a tennis ball)
  • Masking tape
  • Marker
Create a bowling lane using the masking tape. Consider your child's age
and physical abilities to determine how long the lane will be. Arrange the 
cans at the end of the lane then show your child how to strike them. 
Keep a score board or change the rules to make the game more fun and
Building a Fort
Kids love the idea of having their "own space". So when you introduce the
idea of a fort with them, they would love building it as much as playing in 
them. Pillow forts are the most popular - all you need are some different
size pillows, blankets to stack or to use as "doors" and some sturdy 
furniture that will hold the fort together.
You can also build a cardboard fort - you'll need a few large boxes and
just tape them together to create room to play in (better if you could crawl
in, too!). Once you have a fort in place, provide a flashlight and some 
books to read or play their favorite toy with them!
Falling Dominoes
This is a simple activity that may have a big positive impact on your child.
 All you need is a domino set. Start lining up the dominoes in any pattern 
you like (let your child decide the arrangement), then ask him to help you 
with the stacking.
Once all the tiles are in place, get the video camera ready before asking
your kid to flip the first one! Voila - instant entertainment!
Obstacle Course
We all loved crawling under chairs or climbing over tables as a kid, so why
not make it a fun activity? Create an obstacle course in your home using
your furniture and some of your children's toys.
Go through it first to show the kids what to do in each part then give them 
scores according to how fast they finish the course. Just pay extra 
attention to ensure kids safety.
Card Games
If you want to do something more quiet, play some card games with the 
young ones. Start with simple, easy-to-teach games that would encourage logical reasoning, arrangement abilities and number identification.
Start with classic games such as Go Fish, Memory Game (requires 2 
deck of cards) or Crazy Eights. Other card games like Uno or Blink would
be ideal, too.

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Memory Game Challenge ( The Months Of The Year )

          Today we have a game of the memory student between two students, a boy and a girl. They were in  grade three elementary stage. It's about the months of the year as it was during a class for me in my school two years ago before I go to Saudi Arabia to teach there. I leave you now with the video hoping you enjoy and please don't forget to subscribe, like and share to your colleagues. I spend a lot of time and effort doing and editing these videos, so try to help and encourage me maintain and continue my efforts. Waiting for your comments. Thanks a lot. See you in upcoming videos. Goodbye.                                                                                                                                             
احبائى الاعزاء اقدم لكم اليوم  لعبة الذاكرة والتى قمت بها مع تلميذ وتليمذة من الصف الثالث الابتدائى لغات وكتن الموضوع متعلق بشهور السنة وقد كان ذلك اثناء حصة قمت بشرحها منذ عامان قبل سفرى للسعودية للتدريس هناك. اترك لكم الان الوقت لمشاهدة ممتعه ولا تنسونا من تشريفنا باشتراك ولايك ونشر الفيديو  لاكبر عدد ممكن 

اشكركم جميعا واقابلكم فى فيديوهات اخرى ان شاء الله

Watch NOW رابط مشاهدة الفيديو

Waiting for your comments

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Freeze Game with Mr Hany in KSA

It's a new game where the teacher writes or hangs some word or picture cards on the board.
Then the students pretends to run and  look at them. If the teacher says a word that is on the board, the students will stop running and freeze at their place. If the teacher says a word that isn't on the board, the students will go on running and never stop.

I hope you enjoy this video and don't forget to leave a comment  and subscribe to my channel as it is important for me.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Different Conversations and Quizzes

A group of conversation and competitions of my students in my  school, Al Shabab Langauge school
I hope you enjoy my video and I'm happy to hear from you and subscribe to my blog and youtube channel

Waiting for your comments

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

My First Model Lesson In KSA

         Last TUESDAY was my first  new model lesson in which I introduced a new game that I called "Rabbit Game". These are some clips of my lesson as I couldn't record all of it and was recorded by one of my dear colleagues, Mr Muhamad Abouda from Tunisia. It was honorable to be attended by the school principal, educational supervisor, elementary stage supervisor and vice-principal, English coordinator Mr Muhamad and some of my colleagues like Mr Abdel Nasser, Mr Mahmud and Mr Ebraheem.  


I hope you enjoy the lesson and game and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and leave a valuable comment.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Competition Race Game with Mr Hany

         Today with a new game which is called "Competition or Crocodiles Race".

In this video, I explained how to play this game with elementary pupils. In this game, the pupil is asked to pass between the chairs as they symbolize the crocodiles without touching them or he is obliged to start from the beginning again until he reach the board.Then, he tries to match pictures with their suitable words. Finally, he back again passing between chairs until he reach the end. All what I mentioned according to the countdown timer for 1 or 2 minutes. If the pupil didn't reach at the exact time or exceeded it, he will be a loser.

I hope you enjoy the game and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and leave a valuable comment.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Playing With Cards and Magnetics

        It's my first experience in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I teach grade two in the elementary stage. It was a fruitful try but here the level of most Saudi students is less than my students in Egypt in Al Shabab official language school which is my school six years ago.

       I hope you watch this video and tell me your opinions about it as they are very vital for me.
It is a game in which I put word cards of the school subjects on the board and their picture cards on a desk far from the two volunteers who are asked to match the word cards with their picture cards.

       I hope you enjoy this game.Thanks a lot for spending your time here on my blog.
See you later in other posts.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Monkey's Games Measure Reading Skill

Undoubtedly, games are an effective tool for inspiring and promising learning. So Visit  Monkey's favourite places and play 8 mini games to test your English. Unlock new games as you progress - but watch out, the games get harder as you go along!
  • Exam level: Young Learners (Starters, Movers, Flyers)
  • CEFR level: A1-A2
  • Skills practised: Reading