

Hello everybody! Nowadays I tend to summarize some information about a new model of instruction which is "flipped learning model"

Memory Game Challenge

Today we have a game of the memory student between two student,

How to Teach English Online

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work from the comfort of your own home?

Differences in American and British English grammar

Speakers of American English generally use the present perfect tense far less than speakers of British English.

Tips for Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Have you ever wondered what it would take to start teaching English as a foreign language? For native English speakers, there are

The Exclusive Ways To Speed Up Your English Learning

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The Flipped Class: Which Tech Tools Are Right For You?

In my opinion, Flipping your teaching represents a real fun and entertainment for both teacher and student.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Top 5 worldwide Used Virtual Classroom Applications افضل خمس تطبيقات للفصول الافتراضية على الانترنت

A virtual classroom is the milestone of today’s education system. It is a new trend in learning technology. A virtual classroom may be defined as an online learning environment where live interaction 
between learners and tutors takes place. A virtual classroom is also known as a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is an online learning platform where, teachers and students can communicate, interact, collaborate and explain their ideas. A number of users using virtual communication have been constantly increasing due to which it becomes necessary to choose from available tools suitable for your requirement for virtual communication. There are some useful virtual classroom tools which are being used by many schools for efficient learning. Some of them are listed below.
Moodle is a free, open source learning environment. It is most widely used for e-learning, blended learning, and virtual classrooms. More than 90 million users are using Moodle for virtual communication, worldwide. Moodle has user-friendly features which makes it popular and easy to use. It has a simple interface along with drag and drop features. Moodle is being translated into more than 120 languages, so that users can easily locate their site to start with. It’s multilingual support has made it more popular among users.
2. TutorRoom
TutorRoom is one of the most popular virtual classroom softwares. It is equipped with whiteboard, video, messaging, PDF uploads, along with demos making a perfect virtual classroom. It allows you to create student/tutor accounts and schedule classes in a very easy manner. TutorRoom has a basic Learning Management System, which increases its efficiency. Users can customize TutorRoom as per their own logo and themes.
3. WizIQ
wiziq Become a tutor
WizIQ is easy-to-use, affordable virtual classroom and learning management system. It has been equipped with a cloud-based course builder, which makes it easy to create unlimited courses to be used by students. It allows users to create interactive multimedia tests and assessments online in 9 different formats. You can also create a track of your performance and progress. Features of WizIQ like high-resolution transmissions, echo-free audio and online whiteboard make it a more collaborative virtual classroom.
4. Skooli
Skooli is a student-focused virtual classroom. This classroom is embedded with efficient e-learning programs designed by experts. With Skooli, students can learn difficult concepts through online interaction with professionals.
Students can easily achieve their academic goals with the help of experts at Skooli. This virtual classroom offers the facility to search for a subject, to search for a tutor and to schedule a session.
5. TutorsBox
TutorsBox is one of the most widely used online tutoring whiteboards. With TutorsBox, tutors can plan their classes in advance, upload study material required for a class, can chat with students and track the progress of students. Screenshots of classes/sessions can be shared at any time among students. No plugin is required for using TutorsBox and it is compatible with iPads, tablets and modern web browsers.
These virtual classroom applications allow students as well as tutors to communicate easily. In today’s world, virtual classrooms are gaining importance because they are collaborative tools, making communication between students and tutors more interactive. Use these virtual classroom applications and enhance your learning capabilities with the advancing technology!

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Sunday, June 23, 2019

كورس تاسيس لغة انجليزية لكل المستويات English Basics for All levels

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
احبتى رواد المدونة من منطلق ان اللغة الانجليزية هى من اهم الاساسيات التى ينبغى ان يتقنها اى فرد فى هذا العالم الذي نعيشه من
اجل الوصول الى مكانة راقية ووظيفة محترمة تعين الانسان على ظروف الحياة الصعبة والشديدة  والمليئة بالصعاب. فحرصا منا على تأسيس أولادنا وفلذات اكبادنا جئت لكم اليوم بكورس تاسيس جميل اعجبنى جدا يستفيد منه كل تلميذ وتلميذة وولى امر ومعلم او معلمة  وبانتظار تعليقاتكم واقتراحاتكم

فضلا احبتى الكرام : اثبت وجودك بالرد او التعليق ولا تمر مر الكرام حتى تشجعنى على الاستمرار
بوركتم وجزاكم الله خيرا

Hello everybody
 We already know that English is one of the essentials that can help us overcome the hardships that we face in our lives today. Also, it can help us get a high rank and respected job to confront the ups and downs of our daily life. So, I brought to you basics course that appealed to me for our kids, parents, and teachers to use. I hope you admire it. Thank you so much and prove your presence here through comments.
حمل من الرابط بالاسفل
Download now

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Memory Game Challenge ( The Months Of The Year )

          Today we have a game of the memory student between two students, a boy and a girl. They were in  grade three elementary stage. It's about the months of the year as it was during a class for me in my school two years ago before I go to Saudi Arabia to teach there. I leave you now with the video hoping you enjoy and please don't forget to subscribe, like and share to your colleagues. I spend a lot of time and effort doing and editing these videos, so try to help and encourage me maintain and continue my efforts. Waiting for your comments. Thanks a lot. See you in upcoming videos. Goodbye.                                                                                                                                             
احبائى الاعزاء اقدم لكم اليوم  لعبة الذاكرة والتى قمت بها مع تلميذ وتليمذة من الصف الثالث الابتدائى لغات وكتن الموضوع متعلق بشهور السنة وقد كان ذلك اثناء حصة قمت بشرحها منذ عامان قبل سفرى للسعودية للتدريس هناك. اترك لكم الان الوقت لمشاهدة ممتعه ولا تنسونا من تشريفنا باشتراك ولايك ونشر الفيديو  لاكبر عدد ممكن 

اشكركم جميعا واقابلكم فى فيديوهات اخرى ان شاء الله

Watch NOW رابط مشاهدة الفيديو

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Sunday, June 9, 2019

way to Allah poem قصيدة فى السير الى الله والدار الاخرة للعلامة السعدى

                                       السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته  احبتى رواد المدونة معى لكم اليوم قصيدة للعلامة السعدى تتعلق بالسير الى الله والدار الاخرة قرأتها واردت معرفة ارائكم
ولا تنسونا بدعم القناة من اشتراك ولايك وشير لكل من على قائمة الاصدقاء لديكم دمتم فى حفظ الله ورعايته

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Past Simple Tense زمن الماضي البسيط

Hello, dear students and today with one  of the grammar series that I introduce to you. It is the past simple tense, what the core form is and what the keywords and uses are.

احبائى رواد مدونتى المتواضعة موعدكم اليوم مع درس من دروس قواعد اللغة الانجليزية وهو زمن الماضى البسيط ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم ولنلقى نظرة على الشكل الاساسي وعلامات الماضى البسيط  واترككم مع الفيديو للمتابعه وبانتظار تعليقاتكم على القناة واسفل الفيديو كى استفيد منها فى تحسين ما قصرت فيه  فنجاحى من اهم اسبابه بعد توفيق الله عز وجل هو انتم 
دمتم فى حفظ الله ورعايته اراكم فى فيديوهات قادمه

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

supplication دعاء خاشع ليلة 27 رمضان ماهر المعيقلي

دعاء ولا اروع من صلاة التراويح 1440 هجرية من شهر رمضان المبارك اسال الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم ان يكون قد تقبله منا واعتقنا من النار

Waiting for your comments

Friday, May 31, 2019

قصة فتية الكهف

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
احبتى الكرام رواد مدونتى المتواضعه أحببت ان اقدم لكم اليوم قراءة لقصة فتية الكهف او اصحاب الكهف بصوت العبد الفقير الى مولاه وهى قصة للكبار والصغار نتعلم منها الكثير وقد ورد ذكرها فى القران الكريم ونزلت سورة باسمها وهى سورة الكهف
وقد اعددتها كصدقة جارية على روح والدى عليه رحمة الله ولا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم.