

Hello everybody! Nowadays I tend to summarize some information about a new model of instruction which is "flipped learning model"

Memory Game Challenge

Today we have a game of the memory student between two student,

How to Teach English Online

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work from the comfort of your own home?

Differences in American and British English grammar

Speakers of American English generally use the present perfect tense far less than speakers of British English.

Tips for Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Have you ever wondered what it would take to start teaching English as a foreign language? For native English speakers, there are

The Exclusive Ways To Speed Up Your English Learning

My book that is written and prepared in English includes ten exclusive ways to increase your learning of English language to keep up with the changes and

The Flipped Class: Which Tech Tools Are Right For You?

In my opinion, Flipping your teaching represents a real fun and entertainment for both teacher and student.

Latest Articles

Sunday, June 9, 2019

way to Allah poem قصيدة فى السير الى الله والدار الاخرة للعلامة السعدى

                                       السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته  احبتى رواد المدونة معى لكم اليوم قصيدة للعلامة السعدى تتعلق بالسير الى الله والدار الاخرة قرأتها واردت معرفة ارائكم
ولا تنسونا بدعم القناة من اشتراك ولايك وشير لكل من على قائمة الاصدقاء لديكم دمتم فى حفظ الله ورعايته

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Past Simple Tense زمن الماضي البسيط

Hello, dear students and today with one  of the grammar series that I introduce to you. It is the past simple tense, what the core form is and what the keywords and uses are.

احبائى رواد مدونتى المتواضعة موعدكم اليوم مع درس من دروس قواعد اللغة الانجليزية وهو زمن الماضى البسيط ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم ولنلقى نظرة على الشكل الاساسي وعلامات الماضى البسيط  واترككم مع الفيديو للمتابعه وبانتظار تعليقاتكم على القناة واسفل الفيديو كى استفيد منها فى تحسين ما قصرت فيه  فنجاحى من اهم اسبابه بعد توفيق الله عز وجل هو انتم 
دمتم فى حفظ الله ورعايته اراكم فى فيديوهات قادمه

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

supplication دعاء خاشع ليلة 27 رمضان ماهر المعيقلي

دعاء ولا اروع من صلاة التراويح 1440 هجرية من شهر رمضان المبارك اسال الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم ان يكون قد تقبله منا واعتقنا من النار

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Friday, May 31, 2019

قصة فتية الكهف

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
احبتى الكرام رواد مدونتى المتواضعه أحببت ان اقدم لكم اليوم قراءة لقصة فتية الكهف او اصحاب الكهف بصوت العبد الفقير الى مولاه وهى قصة للكبار والصغار نتعلم منها الكثير وقد ورد ذكرها فى القران الكريم ونزلت سورة باسمها وهى سورة الكهف
وقد اعددتها كصدقة جارية على روح والدى عليه رحمة الله ولا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Freeze Game with Mr Hany in KSA

It's a new game where the teacher writes or hangs some word or picture cards on the board.
Then the students pretends to run and  look at them. If the teacher says a word that is on the board, the students will stop running and freeze at their place. If the teacher says a word that isn't on the board, the students will go on running and never stop.

I hope you enjoy this video and don't forget to leave a comment  and subscribe to my channel as it is important for me.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Different Conversations and Quizzes

A group of conversation and competitions of my students in my  school, Al Shabab Langauge school
I hope you enjoy my video and I'm happy to hear from you and subscribe to my blog and youtube channel

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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Top 10 OFFLINE Games for Android 2019

Today we're going to speak about the top ten offline android games without internet to play.

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